So, what did you do during The Pandemic?
Not leaving the house and garden became a routine thing. I didn't have to go shopping: Sainsbury's emailed me very early on saying that shopping slots would be available to me (as a disabled person) before they were released generally so I had a fortnightly delivery and a cousin fetched fresh food for me between times.
I quickly learnt how to made zoom calls and updated my iPhone so I could use Facetime with various family members. I had a regular list of people to call on behalf of the church as well as personal friends. I wrote letters. Each week I went outside to "Clap for Carers" and indeed, the neighbours still go outside weekly to catch up on street news together.
I was never able to "bubble" as everyone I knew had family members with whom they were bubbling. At first I felt like a Billy-no-mates but I soon got over that.
Eventually Jack could come and sort my garden but we stayed at some distance from each other and he didn't come into the house. When the school summer holidays arrived Annie-The-Home-Enhancer was able to come and sort me out before restrictions were again imposed in the autumn.
And so the long year of 2020 stretched out. Wasn't it fortunate that it was a good summer! I was able to get outside but I also decluttered in the house, sewed, knitted, and did a thousand and one little projects which I'd never got around to.
I'd hate to have to go through anything like that again but, on reflection, I didn't do too badly.